Results for 'Eni Pulcinelli Orlandi'

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  1. Ilusões na (da) linguagem.Eni Pulcinelli Orlandi - 1987 - In Italo Tronca (ed.), Foucault vivo. Campinas, SP: Pontes Editores.
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    Présentation.Eni P. Orlandi & Eduardo Guimarães - 2011 - Astérion 8 (8).
    Parmi les nombreuses réflexions consacrées à l’espace de la ville et à sa condition contemporaine, certaines considèrent que les relations à l’intérieur des villes sont décisives pour penser aujourd’hui le fonctionnement social. Ces relations, en tant que productrices de signification, sont l’objet des sciences du langage, en particulier lorsque celles-ci estiment que le sens se constitue socialement et historiquement. Les cinq textes réunis ici se rattachent au thème de recherche Savoir urba..
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    Métaphores de la lettre : écriture, graphisme.Eni P. Orlandi - 2011 - Astérion 8 (8).
    Cet article aborde l’écriture à partir de la configuration actuelle de l’espace urbain, avec ses ensembles résidentiels sécurisés qui redistribuent et donnent sens à l’espace des villes, en provoquant une raréfaction des pratiques de sociabilité. Partant du principe qu’il est impossible de penser le fonctionnement du langage en le séparant de ses conditions matérielles et de la conjoncture dans laquelle celles-ci surgissent, il analyse le lien entre l’écriture urbaine et la façon dont cet espace de signification s’organise matériellement. L’analyse se (...)
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  4. (1 other version)O SUJEITO DISCURSIVIZADO COMO EMPRESA NO YOUTUBE: TRABALHO E CONDIÇÕES (DIGITAIS) DE PRODUÇÃO.Guilherme Adorno & Luciana Nogueira - 2020 - Anais Do SEAD 9:1-7.
    Autogestão, autoempreendedorismo, infotrabalho, trabalho intermitente, criptomoeda, uberização, proletariado de serviços e servidão digital delineiam uma série de designações indicativas das mudanças das condições de (re)produção do Capital nas suas formas contemporâneas. Grandes corporações como Google, Facebook e Amazon participam desse processo tanto no eixo da infraestrutura econômica, quanto na produção discursiva que sustenta ideologicamente as relações de trabalho determinadas pelo Aparelho Digital. Essa pesquisa elege como material específico de análise uma sequência de cursos oferecidos pelo “YouTube Academy” para a criação, (...)
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    The Innocent Eye: Why Vision is Not a Cognitive Process.Nico Orlandi - 2014 - Oxford: Oup Usa.
    Why does the world look to us as it does? As Nico Orlandi argues, it is simply because of how the world is. This answer emerges from understanding vision as situated in a structured environment, and it contrasts with the view that visual perception involves an inference.
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  6. The innocent eye: Seeing-as without concepts.Nicoletta Orlandi - 2011 - American Philosophical Quarterly 48 (1):17.
    Can one see one thing as another without possessing a concept of it? The answer to this question is intuitively negative. This is because seeing x as F is usually taken to consist in the application of the concept F to x . Seeing the duck-rabbit figure as a duck figure, for instance, involves applying the concept DUCK to the figure; thus, one cannot see the figure as the figure of a duck unless one has the concept of a duck (...)
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  7. Ambiguous figures and representationalism.Nicoletta Orlandi - 2011 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 10 (3):307-323.
    Ambiguous figures pose a problem for representationalists, particularly for representationalists who believe that the content of perceptual experience is non-conceptual (MacPherson in Nous 40(1):82–117, 2006). This is because, in viewing ambiguous figures, subjects have perceptual experiences that differ in phenomenal properties without differing in non-conceptual content. In this paper, I argue that ambiguous figures pose no problem for non-conceptual representationalists. I argue that aspect shifts do not presuppose or require the possession of sophisticated conceptual resources and that, although viewing ambiguous (...)
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  8. Islamic Religious Epistemology.Enis Doko & Jamie B. Turner - 2023 - In John Greco, Tyler Dalton McNabb & Jonathan Fuqua (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Religious Epistemology. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This chapter aims to lay out a map of the diverse epistemological perspectives within the Islamic theological tradition, in the conceptual framework of contemporary analytic philosophy of religion. In order achieve that goal, it aims to consider epistemological views in light of their historic context, while at the same time seeking to “translate” those broadly medieval perspectives into contemporary philosophical language. In doing so, the chapter offers a succinct overview of the main epistemic trends within the Islamic theological tradition concerning (...)
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  9. Are sensory properties represented in perceptual experience?Nicoletta Orlandi - 2010 - Philosophical Psychology 23 (6):721-740.
    Philosophers of perception widely agree that sensory properties, like color, are represented in perceptual experience. Arguments are usually needed to establish that something other than sensory properties, for example three-dimensional objects or kind properties, are part of perceptual content. Call the idea that sensory properties are represented in perceptual experience the Sensation View (SV). Given its widespread acceptance, we may expect to find strong reasons for holding SV. In this paper, I argue that we lack such reasons: SV is largely (...)
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    Why Not Reductionism?Nico Orlandi - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (7-8):218-225.
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    Comments on Ingra Shellenberg’s “How Paranoid Delusions Support ‘Simulation Theory’”.Nicoletta Orlandi - 2008 - Southwest Philosophy Review 24 (2):33-36.
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    Criticism of the Non-Theistic Explanations of Fine-Tuning.Enis Doko - 2019 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 9 (9:2):299-317.
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  13. Aşk Üzerine Marazi Bir Deneme Daha.B. Enis - 1995 - Cogito 4:5-9.
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    Bulky Histone Modifications May Have an Oversized Role in Nucleosome Dynamics.Kona Orlandi & Jeffrey McKnight - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (1):1900217.
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    Cartesio e Bourdin: le settime obiezioni.Davide Orlandi - 2016 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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    Gli Apocrifi copti.Tito Orlandi - 1983 - Augustinianum 23 (1-2):57-71.
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    (1 other version)Julije Makanec – Understanding of the Philosophy of State and Politics in Works Until 1941.Enis Zebić - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (1):179-194.
    Zbog svoje uloge u Nezavisnoj Državi Hrvatskoj, gdje je bio ministar obrazovanja, hrvatski je političar i filozof Julije Makanec bio sustavno ignoriran u razdoblju od 1945.–1990. Objavio je nekoliko knjiga o filozofiji države i politike. Njegova prva knjiga, "O podrijetlu i smislu države", objavljena 1939., pregled je koncepata države od Machiavellija do Mussolinija. Makanec u tom pregledu kritizira političku situaciju u kraljevini Jugoslaviji te donosi svoju vlastitu viziju filozofije države. Ista je temeljno hegelijanska, a Makanec joj dodaje nešto humboldtovskog duhovnog (...)
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    Truth and Its Companions in Interpretation and Evaluation of Social Phenomena.Enis Zebić - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (3-4):515-519.
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    Alegoria E narrativa em platão.Juliano Orlandi - 2014 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 19 (2):129-149.
    My main objective is to clarify the platonic perspective about the narratives which present a allegorical character. The question arises from the fact that the philosopher systematically avoids using the terms????????? and???????????, usually translated as narrative and narrate, to designate the allegories in his works. His refusal is odd, because his use of the terms covers a heterogeneous group of narratives and apparently there is no reason that prevents them from designating the allegorical passages. My proposal for a solution is (...)
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    Ciencia política: teoría de la política.Héctor Rodolfo Orlandi - 1975 - Buenos Aires: Plus Ultra.
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    La tradizione di Melitone in Egitto e l’omelia De anima et corpore.Tito Orlandi - 1997 - Augustinianum 37 (1):37-50.
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    Nel centenario della nascita di Alan Turing. Alle origini dell’informatica.Tito Orlandi - 2013 - Augustinianum 53 (1):261-265.
    It seems opportune to commemorate in ‘Augustinianum’ the centenary of the birth of Alan Turing, insofar as he is an outstanding figure whose theoritical insight gave birth to the computer revolution of the twentieth centur y. His theories are equally important for the methodology supporting studies in the humanities.
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    Sull’Apologia secunda (contra Arianos) di Atanasio di Alessandria.Tito Orlandi - 1975 - Augustinianum 15 (1-2):49-79.
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  24. Bayesian Perception Is Ecological Perception.Nico Orlandi - 2016 - Philosophical Topics 44 (2):327-351.
    There is a certain excitement in vision science concerning the idea of applying the tools of bayesian decision theory to explain our perceptual capacities. Bayesian models are thought to be needed to explain how the inverse problem of perception is solved, and to rescue a certain constructivist and Kantian way of understanding the perceptual process. Anticlimactically, I argue both that bayesian outlooks do not constitute good solutions to the inverse problem, and that they are not constructivist in nature. In explaining (...)
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    Hassas Ayar Açıklamaya Muhtaç Mıdır?Enis Doko - 2019 - Kader 17 (1):1-14.
    Çağdaş fizik evrenimizin yaşam için hassas ayarlı olduğunu göstermiştir. Evrenin yaşam için hassas ayarlı olması demek fizik yasaları, başlangıç koşulları ve temel fizik sabitlerinin alabileceği muhtemel değerlerden çok azı yaşama izin vermesi demektir. Bazı teist düşünürler hassas ayarın Tanrı’nın varlığı lehinde geliştirilebilecek Tasarım kanıtlarında öncül görevi görebileceğini iddia etmişlerdir. Diğer taraftan bazı felsefeci ve bilim insanları hassas ayar gözlemenin birden fazla evrenin var olduğunu savunan çok evrenler hipotezini desteklediğini iddia etmişlerdir. Bu iki yaklaşım da hassas ayarın bir açıklamaya muhtaç olduğunu (...)
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    Kalam Cosmological Argument and the Modern Science.Enis Doko - 2018 - Kader 16 (1):1-13.
    Huduth argument (in contemporary Western philosophy known as Kalam Cosmological argument) is an argument for the existence of God which rests on the idea that the universe has a beginning in time. Some theists have claimed that modern science, particularly modern cosmology and second law of thermodynamics supports the key premise of the argument which argues that universe began to exist. On the other hand, some atheists have claimed that Quantum Mechanics have demonstrated that particles can be created without cause (...)
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  27. Predictive perceptual systems.Nico Orlandi - 2018 - Synthese 195 (6):2367-2386.
    This article attempts to clarify the commitments of a predictive coding approach to perception. After summarizing predictive coding theory, the article addresses two questions. Is a predictive coding perceptual system also a Bayesian system? Is it a Kantian system? The article shows that the answer to these questions is negative.
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  28. İslam ve Evrim: Bir Savunma.Enis Doko - 2021 - Kader 19 (3):899-913.
    Müslüman bağlamında bilim-din etkileşiminde muhtemelen en can alıcı konu, İslam ve Neo-Darwinci evrim teorisi arasındaki ilişkidir. Müslüman alimler iki ana kampa ayrılır. Bir yandan, daha geleneksel eğilimlere sahip Müslüman düşünürler, İslam'ın evrimle çeliştiğini düşünüyorlar. Diğer tarafta, evrim teorisinin İslam'la tamamen uyumlu olduğunu düşünen daha bilimsel yönelimli Müslüman düşünürlerimiz var. Başta bilim insanları olmak üzere bu düşünürler, genellikle Kuran ayetlerinin bazılarının mecazi bir okumasını sunarlar ya da onları yeniden yorumlarlar. Bu makalede, ben orta yolcu bir yaklaşım tercih edecek ve mecazi okumaya (...)
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    A noção de mímēsis no livro III d’a República de Platão como indício do caráter oral da poesia grega.Juliano Orlandi - 2018 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 34 (2).
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    Diego Marconi e la sua competenza lessicale: un'analisi critica.Davide Orlandi - 2019 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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    Historia y espíritu.José Orlandis - 1975 - Pamplona: EUNSA.
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    Indivíduo E implexa individuação.Luiz Orlandi - 2015 - Doispontos 12 (1).
    resumo: O texto visa valorizar aspectos promissores do encontro filosófico entre Gilles Deleuze e Gilbert Simondon em torno da recriação do problema da individuação e da ênfase na problemática das disparações intensivas. abstract: The text aims to enrich promising aspects of the philosophical encounter between Gilles Deleuze and Gilbert Simondon around the recreation of the individuation problem and the emphasis in the intensive disparitions problematic.
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    Ukraine’s Geopolitical Position: Between East and West.Enis H. Rexhepi - 2016 - Seeu Review 12 (1):95-111.
    The paper analyses Ukraine’s geopolitical position and argues that Ukraine is slowly gravitating towards West. The paper gives a small hint of approximation process of Ukraine within EU and NATO, and argues how this approximation process is opposed by Russia, who wants Ukraine back to its influence. Occupation off Crimea by Russia violated international order, opening way to unstructured international ties out traditional UN bodies. The Ukraine’s destiny is unclear, Dnieper River may divide country in two, and the West faces (...)
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    A Brief Spring of Anarchy.Enis Zebić - 2019 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 39 (3):651-667.
    Students’ protests in 1968. were a traumatic topic for the entire later period of Yugoslav socialism. Firstly, because somebody for the first time en masse challenged exclusive monopoly of the Communist Party by using Marxist phraseology. Secondly, because protesters openly spoke, concerning serious and painful structural problems. Thirdly, because authorities euthanized students’ movement with repression and demagogy. Fourthly, because the issues students spoke of were not solved until the collapse of Yugoslav socialism, and to the extent, they contributed to that (...)
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    Public as Phantom and Public in Eclipse. How is a Controversy between Walter Lippmann and John Dewey on Democracy and Media Still Relevant after almost Hundred Years.Enis Zebić - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (1):27-43.
    Dok novinar i društveni teoretičar Walter Lippmann sredinom dvadesetih godina prošlog stoljeća upozorava kako ne postoji suvereni i informirani građanin kao element odlučivanja u predstavničkoj demokraciji, dakle da ne postoji niti javnost kao konzistentna i trajna društvena kategorija, već da je ona ‘fantom’, filozof John Dewey mu odgovara kako javnost nije ‘fantomska’, već je u svojevrsnoj ‘pomrčini’, a da se demokratske procese može osnažiti jačanjem lokalne zajednice i drugačijom ulogom medija, koji će kvalitetnom obradom i medijskim plasmanom znanstvenih otkrića i (...)
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    Reception of Works of Julije Makanec in Croatian Philosophy since 1990. Fragments without Synthesis.Enis Zebić - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (3):657-663.
    Iako je prošlo gotovo dvije decenije od propasti političkog sustava u kojem je hrvatski filozofski autor i političar Julije Makanec bio prešućivan po ideološkom i političkom kriteriju, ni u novim političkim okolnostima nije primjereno i sustavno obrađen, iako to njegovi filozofijski radovi, po ocjeni autora, zaslužuju. Autor prikazuje dosadašnje parcijalno bavljenje Makancem u razdoblju nakon 1990. i sugerira moguće razloge zašto je izostala ozbiljnija obrada njegova opusa, s naglaskom na radove iz filozofije države i politike.Although almost 20 years passed since (...)
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    Sensitivity and response bias in fear of spiders.Eni Becker & Mike Rinck - 2004 - Cognition and Emotion 18 (7):961-976.
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    Language and representationalism 1.Nico Orlandi - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108 (2):549-555.
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    Representing Probability in Perception and Experience.Geoffrey Lee & Nico Orlandi - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (4):907-945.
    It is increasingly common in cognitive science and philosophy of perception to regard perceptual processing as a probabilistic engine, taking into account uncertainty in computing representations of the distal environment. Models of this kind often postulate probabilistic representations, or what we will call probabilistic states,. These are states that in some sense mark or represent information about the probabilities of distal conditions. It has also been argued that perceptual experience itself in some sense represents uncertainty (Morrison _Analytic Philosophy_ 57 (1): (...)
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    An Albanian Hemingway - Petro Marko’s Recollections of the Spanish Civil War.Enis Sulstarova - 2023 - History of Communism in Europe 11:191-213.
    Petro Marko (1913-1991) was an Albanian journalist, writer and communist activist, who volunteered in the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War. Afterwards, he was imprisoned in the island of Ustica by the Italian occupiers of Albania during the Second World War and was briefly imprisoned by the communist regime of Albania in the late 1940s. Afterwards he worked as a journalist and a writer, being closely surveyed by the communist regime. The Spanish experience was the most important formative period (...)
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  41. Holistic realism: A response to Katz on holism and intuition.Michael D. Resnik & Nicoletta Orlandi - 2003 - Philosophical Forum 34 (3-4):301-315.
  42. Th Century Theories of Perception.Nico Orlandi - 2017 - In Amy Kind (ed.), Philosophy of Mind in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries: The History of the Philosophy of Mind, Volume 6. New York: Routledge.
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    To obtain the formal resolution of the Liar paradox that can be considered as the common generalization of the theorems concerned, we shall reformu-late it in a step–by–step manner in four main stages. First we shall seek an ordinary language equivalent of the paradox in a form that shows clearly its logical structure, and then we shall directly translate the expression we have.Gy Orgy Ser Ény - 2003 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 9 (1).
  44. El espíritu de verdad.José Orlandis - 1961 - Madrid,: Ediciones Rialp.
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    Principios de Ciencia política y teoría del estado.Héctor Rodolfo Orlandi - 1986 - Buenos Aires: Plus Ultra.
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    The Linguistic Ideas of Joseph Edkins.Giorgio Orlandi - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (1):95.
    This paper analyzes and evaluates the linguistic ideas of the British Protestant missionary Joseph Edkins, as well as the linguistic trends of his time, in order to recognize the merits and the achievements in the field of historical Chinese phonology. Furthermore, this paper seeks to demonstrate that many ideas about the sound system of Old Chinese were posited or at least presaged by Edkins in his philological works, where the earliest attempt to reconstruct the old language of the ancient Chinese (...)
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    ‘Eurocommunism is Anti-Communism.Enis Sulstarova - 2016 - History of Communism in Europe 7:19-38.
    Following the rift with China, Albania found itself on a lonely road towards pretending to protect the purity of the Marxism-Leninism in Europe. Although diplomatic relations with the West were restricted only to trade, the Albanian Communist leader, Enver Hoxha, was interested in recent developments inside Western Communist parties. Through Eurocommunist theorizations, the parties in Italy, France and Spain abandoned revolutionary aims, incorporated democracy in their ideology and tried to build electoral coalitions with socialist parties and other left-wing forces. By (...)
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    Investigating low-frequency dielectric properties of a composite using the distribution of relaxation times technique.Enis Tuncer, Nicola Bowler, I. J. Youngs & K. P. Lymer - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (16):2359-2369.
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  49. Embedded Seeing: Vision in the Natural World.Nicoletta Orlandi - 2011 - Noûs 47 (4):727-747.
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    Timing is everything: Dance aesthetics depend on the complexity of movement kinematics.Andrea Orlandi, Emily S. Cross & Guido Orgs - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104446.
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